Buzz Bros Band: The Same New Story - Live 2005 (CD+DVD)
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The Same New Story – Live 2005
Buzz Bros Band
Turtle Records®
Catalogue TR75532
(Low Resolution excerpts)
About the Album
In the interview on the dvd, interviewer Peter Blom (not a jazz aficionado himself) asks: “An evening-full program without spoken text and without songs, is that tolerable for the modern viewer and listener?”
We can happily answer this question with a firm “Yes!”, as it has become apparent that even people basically unfamiliar with the jazz idiom and improvised music show an unprecedented appreciation for our music.
Looking at the other side of the picture, increasingly fewer people listen to instrumental music which is improvised. Sometimes it seems as if the language of (jazz) improvisation is becoming extinct. We therefore hope that, through the ease of accessibility inherent to the idiom in which we improvise, this cd and dvd will reach people who would ordinarily not be touched by improvised music. They shall then enjoy this tried and true language which continually renews itself and one that, as far as we’re concerned, tells a ‘same new story’.
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