Karl Amadeus Hartmann

Hartmann: Symphonies Nos. 1 - 8 (Download)

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Karl Amadeus Hartmann

Hartmann: Symphonies Nos. 1 - 8 (Download)

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NTR Saturday Matinee Series

Karl Amadeus Hartmann – Symphonies Nos. 1 – 8

Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra | Netherlands Chamber Philharmonic

James Gaffigan | Ingo Metzmacher | Christoph Poppen | Michael Schønwandt | Osmo Vänskä

Challenge Classics / HQ|NORTHSTAR

Catalogue CC72583


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About the Album

Karl Amadeus Hartmann (1905-1963) is one of the most significant but least-known symphonic composers of the 20th century. This set of three hybrid SACDs, issued to mark the 50th anniversary of the German composer's death, features his eight symphonies played by the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic and Chamber Philharmonic Orchestras under the batons of several major conductors, including Christoph Poppen, Osmo Vanska, James Gaffigan and Markus Stenz.

One of the most characteristic features of Hartmann's work is the way in which he forges contrasting stylistic elements and techniques from various periods of music history into a seamless unit. Moreover, one melody is found in all his symphonies, concealed to varying degrees. This melody is based on the Jewish song "Elijahu hanavi" about the prophet Elijah, whom the Jews anxiously await to bring them redemption. This yearning quality lies at the heart of the composer's music.

Two types of movement, adagio and scherzo, form the unmistakable axis of Hartmann's symphonic works, and the result is that the musical discourse continually takes place between expansion and energy, monumental stasis and a dynamic primal force toppling everything in its path. Hartmann's symphonic legacy most certainly deserves its rightful place in the canon, especially in English-speaking countries where it's been often overlooked.

Album tracks

  1. Symphony No. 1, ‘Versuch eines Requiems’: I. Introduktion: Elend “Ich sitze und schaue aus”

  2. Symphony No. 1, ‘Versuch eines Requiems’: II. Frühling - “Als jüngst der Flieder blühte”

  3. Symphony No. 1, ‘Versuch eines Requiems’: III. Thema mit vier Variationen

  4. Symphony No. 1, ‘Versuch eines Requiems’: IV. Tränen - “In der Nacht der Einsamkeit”

  5. Symphony No. 1, ‘Versuch eines Requiems’: V. Epilog: Bitte - “Ich hörte die Allmutter”

  6. Symphony No. 2: Adagio

  7. Symphony No. 3: I. Largo ma non troppo - Allegro con fuoco (Virtuose Fuge)

  8. Symphony No. 3: II. Adagio - Andante - Allegro moderato - Andante - Adagio

  9. Symphony No. 4: I. Lento assai - Con passione

  10. Symphony No. 4: II. Allegro di molto, risoluto

  11. Symphony No. 4: III. Adagio appassionato

  12. Symphony No. 5, `Sinfonia concertante': I. Toccata

  13. Symphony No. 5, `Sinfonia concertante': II. Melodie

  14. Symphony No. 5, `Sinfonia concertante': III. Rondo

  15. Symphony No. 6: I. Adagio

  16. Symphony No. 6: II. Toccata variata

  17. Symphony No. 7: I. Introduction & Ricercare

  18. Symphony No. 7: II. Adagio Mesto Cantanto E Tranquillo

  19. Symphony No. 8: I. Cantilene

  20. Symphony No. 8: II. Dithyrambe: Scherzo - Fuga

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